The history of food delivery dates back some 60 years ago when people during wartime London, as a result of the blitz had lost there homes and their ability to cook for them selves. In response to this cry for help a volunteer service by the name of WVS (Women's Volunteer Service) began helping by providing meals and delivering them to people who have lost everything. This act of humanity was carried on in the UK where injured military people were also given the same service from other volunteers in the local area. This carried over to the states hence having delivery service form local restaurants.
With gas prices constantly on the rise and folks having to eat, people are adversely effected in 2 ways.
#1 In order to enjoy a good piece of steak, seafood or chicken a person has to get in there car and drive to the local market or restaurant to buy that meal. Often people live a distance away and it ends up costing them $5.00 in gas.
#2 They get to the store and find that meat prices have gone through the roof! Why? Because with gas prices going up the cost of delivering meat to the local markets has in fact effected the price of the product.
Lets give this a conservative figure and say the cost for steak is $8.00 and the price of gas is $2.00. Added together your looking at a whopping $10.00 for you to enjoy your meal. Let me remind you that is a conservative figure. A couple of times a week for a family of three, your looking at spending roughly $50.00 a week on meat. Over time that's $200 a month and $2400 a year. OUCH! I don't know about you but I would rather put that money towards something else, like a vacation for my family.
The point I'm making here is not to fault your local market or to blame the government ( although it's fair to say the gas prices ARE outrageous!) but what I am trying to impress upon you is...... there's a better way.
With Matts Gourmet Meats here are the advantages:
* Your gas expense will be significantly be reduced because we will deliver your steak,seafood and
chicken directly to you doorstep FREE of charge.
* The cost of the meat will be an average of $3.00 to $4.00 a steak saving you more than half of what
you will pay at your grocer.
* After trimming our steaks we flash freeze and individually vacuum seal them for your convenience
and safety.You will then be able to open portions as you need them, thereby eliminating the hassles
and dangers of freezer burn.
So if you want to save money and have less hassle and enjoy a delicious Black Angus Steak or a wild
caught variety of different fish or seafood or marinated chicken breast, give us a call and we will be at
service for your tender meat needs.
phone: 310-382-1553